General Weather Forecast for today

Partly to generally cloudy throughout the country. Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is possible at some places in the country , chances of heavy rainfall at one or two places of the hilly regions towards afternoon/late afternoon.

General Weather Forecast for tonight

Generally to mostly cloudy throughout the country. Rain/Thundershower is possible at some places in the country , chances of heavy rainfall at a few places of the eastern and central region towards late night.

Meteorological Analysis

हाल मनसुनी न्यून चापीय रेखा (Axis of the Monsoon Trough) को पश्चिमी भाग औसत स्थानको आसपासमा रहेको छ र पुर्वी भाग औसत स्थान भन्दा थोरै उत्तर तर्फ रहेको छ। साथै, भारतको मध्य प्रदेशको उत्तर पश्चिमी भागमा र उत्तर प्रदेशको दक्षिणी भागमा एउटा निम्न चापीय प्रणाली अवस्थित छ | बंगालको खाडिबाट अएको जलवाष्प युक्त हावाको प्रभावका कारण देशभर मनसुनी गतिबिधि बढिरहेको छ

Special Weather Forecast

मौसम पूर्वानुमान बुलेटिन

Weather Records for Kathmandu (0545 NPT)

Air Temperature: 19.9°C

Relative Humidity: 98%

Today's (2019-09-16)

Sunrise: 05:50

Sunset: 18:09

City Forecast
CityFor todayFor tonight
WeatherMax Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)WeatherMin Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)
DipayalGenerally cloudy with brief thundershowers33 - 3560Cloudy with brief thundershowers23 - 2560
BirendranagarGenerally cloudy with brief thundershowers31 - 3340Generally cloudy with brief thundershowers23 - 2540
PokharaGenerally cloudy with rain27 - 2980Cloudy with rain21 - 2370
KathmanduGenerally cloudy with brief thundershowers25 - 2770Cloudy with rain18 - 2070
DhankutaGenerally cloudy with rain27 - 2960Cloudy with rain18 - 2070